Weight: 150 lbs (-10 lbs)
The first big moment has happened. I have lost 10 lbs and during the week of homecoming! I couldn't be happier. As I reflect on how Homecoming played a part in this I think I came up with some great advice for others in the field.
Homecoming is going to require some late nights which means that pro-staff bonding usually occurs following and will most likely include some food. Well my team decided to hit up iHOP at 1:00am and for me I was able to find the best meal possible there. By using egg substitute and turkey bacon I made a better choice. Most iHOP meals seem to be +1000 calories but mine was 400. Okay in my book.
Well the next day was the football game and food truck bazar. Yes, food trucks. I decided that the best way to tackle these trucks would be to make it a vegetarian afternoon. I enjoyed some new types of food and was able to stay away from too many calories from trucks that it would be hard to guess at.
Another way I was able to be proactive during such a busy time in our field was volunteer job choice. I made sure that the position I had involved walking. When I was at spots that I had to stand I walked around or sat in roman chair in order to increase my activity.
I hope some of this advice helps you when big event weekends occur on campus. Looking forward to continuing solving the heavy issues in student affairs.
Until next time..
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