Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Weight: 260lbs (I weight in on Sundays)

So I am still at it and doing my best to make the best choices for myself weight wise. Navigating the cafeteria can really make that a challenge but one I am glad to accept. I have been sticked best to salads and some of our fun toppings to mix it up. Being on a meal plan always add this challenge to most student affairs workers.

I want to comment more however on the celebrations that go on in our field. So being the "bubbly" people most of us in the field are we like to celebrate occasions. However, I learned this week that we must stop associating cake, cookies and sweets with these events.  The most recent celebration across offices was "Boss Appreciation Day" which don't get me wrong - it is definitely appropriate to celebrate your boss but these hallmark holidays really kill me...and are making many of our belts a bit tighter.

So when it was asked my opinion on getting a cake I finally said it - No, thank you. I am not trying to get my office on the habit of healthy snacks. So we celebrated our fantastic supervisor with some 100 calorie popcorn and some mixed fruit...and believe it or was still a good time.

Till next time...

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